How To Move Itunes Library To New Computer Mac

Here is how to locate a specific file or media folder of iTunes.Step 1: Choose the item and click on EditGet Info from the top menu.Step 2: Choose the File tab.Step 3: Here you will see the location of this item with its complete address. This item may stored in your computer or a cloud server. Locate mac address iphone. All you need is to find the media folder locations which you can do easily from iTunes. 3 How to Locate a Specific Item You See in iTunes?Everything you see on iTunes including your songs and other media files can be located on your computer. The menu bar is located on the top of your screen.Step 2: Now click on HomeMusiciTunes.

  1. How To Move Itunes Library To New Computer Mac Free
  2. How To Move Itunes Library To Another Drive Mac
  3. How To Move Itunes Library To New Computer Mac 2017

Get a new Mac but don’t know how to transfer your iTunes library from the old computer to the new one? Well, this article can help you out with two simple solutions on how to transfer iTunes library to new Mac.

Q: How to transfer iTunes library to my new Macbook? I would like to move my entire iTunes Library from my Windows PC to an external hard drive and I’d like to keep it there because it won’t fit onto my new Macbook Air. I am happy to plug this in whenever I wish to use my iTunes Library.

–A User from Apple Community

With a large iTunes library, it would not be an easy case for you to transfer it to your new Mac. Transfer data between two computers can be pretty annoying. With diverse genres of content in your iTunes library, it would be nice if you can find a good tool to transfer it simply and quickly.


2019-3-1  Conclusion: The Above we have shared some ways that you can effortlessly transfer iTunes Library to a new computer. Though using iMusic is the simplest method to follow, and it could also export itunes library to other mobile device, each user is accustomed to his/her own ways. 2014-11-18  Part 1: How to Transfer iTunes Library from Mac to Mac Often, Mac users will have more than one Mac in their home. It is the nature of the beast, as they may be so pleased with their exclusive Mac environment that there may suddenly be a MacBook or an iMac in the house where there may have been only one Mac computer previously. 2019-10-7  If you're restoring an iTunes Library from a different computer, make sure that your new computer has the latest version of iTunes. Go to 'This Computer,' then click your external drive. Select your iTunes folder, then right-click and choose Copy. Go to the location on your computer where you want your iTunes library, then right. How to Move iTunes Library to a New Computer. Building a gratified iTunes library, which contains our favourite albums, videos, podcasts, audiobooks and more, takes vast time and energy. Thus, many users would like to take along the iTunes library when switch to another computer, although moving iTunes library to new computer can be quite.

And to help you out, in this article, we shall render you efficient methods on how to transfer iTunes library to new Mac.

How to Transfer iTunes Library to New Mac via External Hard Drive or USB Drive

Step 1. To find the location of your iTunes media folder, launch iTunes on your old computer > Then click “Edit” (PC) or “iTunes”(Mac) on the menu bar > Preferences > Advanced > Here you will see the “iTunes Media folder location” in your computer.

How to Transfer iTunes Library to New Mac via External Hard Drive or USB Drive – Step 1

Step 2. Then click File > Library > Organize Library > Check the box named as “Consolidate files” > Click OK.

How to Transfer iTunes Library to New Mac via External Hard Drive or USB Drive – Step 2

Step 3. Quit iTunes > Connect your external hard drive or USB drive to the computer > Open the iTunes media folder from the location in step 1 > Drag the folder to the external hard drive/USB drive.

Step 4. Open iTunes > Then click “Choose Library” in the pop-up window > Select the iTunes library folder in your external hard drive.

How to move itunes library to another drive mac

Step 5. On your new Mac, connect your external drive to Mac > Click Finder on your new Mac > Choose the Music folder > Then drag the iTunes library folder in the external drive to the music folder in new Mac.

How to Transfer iTunes Library to New Mac via External Hard Drive or USB Drive – Step 5

Step 6. Launch iTunes on your new Mac > Hold down the Option key while opening iTunes > Click “Choose Library” in the pop-up window > Select the music folder in your local hard drive > Choose the iTunes library folder > Click Open.

How to Transfer iTunes Library to New Mac via External Hard Drive or USB Drive – Step 6

If you do have iPod classic, iPod nano or iPod shuffle, you can also use it as a hard drive in iTunes on Mac. Connect the iPod to your computer > Click the device icon on your iTunes > Summary > Select “Enable disk use” > Click Apply.

How to Transfer iTunes Library to New Mac via AnyTrans for iOS

Besides manually moving your iTunes library to a new Mac, there is an easier and quicker way for you to achieve it – AnyTrans for iOS. It is a professional iOS data manager that allows you to simply transfer your iOS data from one device to another.

  • Transfer media content selectively or wholly from iTunes to your hard drive or another iDevice without hassle.
  • Transferring music speedily. AnyTrans for iOS supports you transfer more than 1000 songs in minutes.
  • Manage and transfer almost all your iOS data like contacts, photos, ringtones, music, calendar, from one iDevice to another or from iDevice to computer and vice versa.
  • No leak or loss of data. AnyTrans for iOS assures that all the data in the process of transferring would not be leaked or lost.
AnyTrans for iOS – iTunes Music Transfer

Where to find iphoto library on mac. Want to transfer your iTunes library to another Mac simply and quickly? You can easily achieve it with this helper – AnyTrans for iOS. It can help you transfer your media content from iTunes to iDevice or computer without hassle.

Download AnyTrans for iOS now on your Windows PC or Mac and follow the below steps to know how to transfer iTunes library to new Mac.

Step 1. Launch AnyTrans for iOS > Connect your iDevice to the computer as an external drive > Click the button in the middle of the top bar > Choose iTunes Library in the drop-down menu.

How to Transfer iTunes Library to New Mac via AnyTrans for iOS – Step 1

Step 2. Select all the items at once or some of them > Click on Send to Device button.

How to Transfer iTunes Library to New Mac via AnyTrans for iOS – Step 2

Step 3. On your new Mac, connect your iDevice to the new Mac > Under Device Manager, go to Category Management > Choose Content to iTunes.

How to Transfer iTunes Library to New Mac via AnyTrans for iOS – Step 3

Step 4. Check the box of the data types you want to transfer > Click the arrow icon to initiate the process.

How to Transfer iTunes Library to New Mac via AnyTrans for iOS – Step 4

The Bottom Line

That’s the two methods on how to move iTunes library to new Mac. As you can see, with the help of AnyTrans for iOS, you can manage your iTunes library or iPhone data easier than ever. You can also back up your iOS app and restore them to your iDevices at any time. Download it now and enjoy your free trial!

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In most cases you simply need to copy the entire iTunes folder from your old computer into the user's music folder of the new computer, then deauthorize the old computer if you no longer wish to access protected iTunes content on it.

This approach works well as long as your library is in the usual layout where all of the media connected to the iTunes library is inside the iTunes Media folder, which in turn is inside the iTunes folder holding the library database file. If your library is not in this standard shape, perhaps because you've placed the media folder on a different drive, or have added media from various different locations without making copies in the media folder, then you either need to copy each of the components of the library to matching paths on the new computer or see Make a split library portable for advice on manipulating the library into a portable layout that can be copied to a new location without breaking the links to the media.

You can copy your library over a network share, or copy it to an external drive, move the drive between computers, then copy it into the new computer. However a better approach is to maintain a regular backup of the iTunes library, update the backup when you want to switch computers, restore the library to the new machine, then regularly maintain the backup going forward. See Backup your iTunes for Windows library with SyncToy for a suggested backup strategy. Backing up the library in this fashion ensures you have a working clone of the library on an external drive that you can connect to at any time if needed.

How To Move Itunes Library To New Computer Mac Free

A portable library can be copied or restored to a location other than the standard user's music folder, which is probably the best approach if your computer has a small SSD system drive. If you want to place your library on a different path, typically the root of a drive, then press and hold down shift (Win) or option (Mac) as you start iTunes to get the option to create or choose a new library, select choose, then browse to the folder that contains your library and select the iTunes Library.itl file inside. See Open a different iTunes Library file or create a new one - Apple Support for details.

If you think that you've moved your library correctly but cannot see your expected content when you open the library, or you see cloud links to items which should be stored locally, then see Empty/corrupt iTunes library after upgrade/crash. If you have difficulty updating content see Repair security permissions for iTunes for Windows or Repair security permissions for iTunes for Mac as appropriate.

How To Move Itunes Library To Another Drive Mac

As long as you move the library properly any devices that you have will sync with it as if nothing has changed. Note however that if you have iOS devices and haven't moved your contacts and calendar items across to your new computer then you should create one dummy entry of each in your new profile and iTunes should merge the existing data from the device. Otherwise the data on your device may be replaced with the empty lists from the computer.

How To Move Itunes Library To New Computer Mac 2017

You don't generally need to copy over your iOS device backups if your devices are working normally as fresh backups will be made during the first sync on the new computer. If you still wish to keep your old backup sets for any reason, e.g. moving backup data from a Vista or XP system to restore to an iOS 10 or later device in a newer version of iTunes, then see Locate backups of your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support for information on the folder you need to copy across. See Relocate iOS device backups if you want to move the backup data from the system drive for reasons of space.

Should you be in the unfortunate position where you have replaced your computer and are no longer able to access your original library or a backup of it then then see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device for advice on how to set up your devices with a new library with the maximum preservation of data.

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See also How to move your iTunes library to a new computer - Apple Support for Apple's approach to this topic.


macOS 10.15 Catalina

The same basic approach as above will work for moving a library from one Catalina system to another. If moving an iTunes library from an older version of OS X/macOS to Catalina then it will be best to start with the library in the portable shape. In Catalina you can then option-start-Music to access the iTunes Library.itl file and migrate it into Music. You can repeat with TV.

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