I successfully migrated from iPhoto library to this new Photos Library in April.17th, and everything seems okay except for some minor bugs.

but from yesterday on, I started Photos and got this message 'Can't open Photos Library, try another.'

- Mar 18, 2020 Get help with the Photos app on your Mac - If you're having other issues with Photos Make sure that you backed up your main Photos library. Quit Photos if it's open. Press and hold the Option and Command keys as you open Photos again. The Repair Library dialog appears.
- Nov 14, 2016 I cannot open iCloud photos since last upgrade. Sierra 10.12.1. And was unable to open iCloud photo - Answered by a verified Mac Support Specialist.
- If Mac photos the library could not be opened or it is showing unexpected errors, then Photos Library Repair Tool is one of the best ways to fix it. This is a built-in repair tool, comes with macOS and it is pretty easy to use. Step 1: Press and hold the “Option” and “Command” keys while photos are opened on your Mac.
Oct 06, 2018 It’s probably the order of things: 1. Press the Option Key and hold it down. With the Option key held down, click and hold the Finder icon in the Dock. Wait for the pop-up menu to appear and then select Relaunch.
If I try reading iPhoto or Aperture Library. Photos started migration from iPhoto or Aperture Library process again.
So, In short, the newly migrated default library can't be read by Photos. Mac os x display library folder.
Unable to connect to icloud music library mac. Jan 16, 2020 On your PC with iTunes for Windows. From the menu bar at the top of your screen, choose Edit Preferences. Go to the General tab and select iCloud Music Library to turn it on. If you don't subscribe to Apple Music or iTunes Match, you won’t see an. Mar 05, 2017 Question: Q: Unable to connect to iCloud Music Library on MacBook Pro and iPhone - More Less Apple Footer This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only.

Recently I did some import from cameras and a newly bought Gopro, and MAYBE A HINT, when I connected Gopro to Mac, Photos automactically opened up its window and tried to import videos but only left me a permanent freezing, so I did forced close to Photos..maybe at that time the library was damaged..
Please..Is there any method to recover or rebuild the damaged library? I really don't want to re-immigrate from iPhotos library. Do Photos get any build-in fix tools or alike?
How To Open Photo Library
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.3), ME294 Mac os x show library folder free.
Unable To Open Photo Library On Mac
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