LTspice Control Library provides a set of control elements, that allow to design a controller of a circuit by drawinga control block diagram and simulate the circuit and the controller on LTspice IV / XVII.
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Oct 21, 2015 So you’ll have a double-clickable program in your application folder. There is a commercial version of Wine for Mac called CrossOver, but for me, WineBottler works excellent. Not all Windows applications are compatible in Wine, but LTspice IV works like a charm. Download WineBottler here. Installing LTspice IV on Mac with WineBottler. Nov 07, 2017 LTspice Control Library. LTspice Control Library provides a set of control elements, that allow to design a controller of a circuit by drawing a control block diagram and simulate the circuit and the controller on LTspice IV / XVII. Install LTspice IV / XVII. Download LTspice Control Library. Unzip the downloaded file and run the. LTspice: Keyboard Shortcuts. By Gabino Alonso. Keyboard shortcuts are an alternate way to invoke one or more commands in LTspice that would otherwise only be accessible by clicking through the menu or toolbar. You can view these shortcuts for the schematic editor.

- Install LTspice IV / XVII.
- Download LTspice Control Library.
- Unzip the downloaded file and run the script.
LTspice IV: Run 'LTspiceControlLibraryinstall.bat' as Administrator.
LTspice XVII: Run 'LTspiceControlLibraryinstallXVII.bat'.
This script works as below:
Ltspice Library Download
- Search the installation directory of LTspice IV. (default: LTSPICE_DIR=C:Program FilesLTCLTspiceIV)
Search the personal directory of LTspice XVII. (default: LTSPICE_DIR=%USERPROFILE%DocumentsLTspiceXVII) - Copy 'LTspiceControlLibrarylibsubLTspiceControlLibrary' to '%LTSPICE_DIR%libsubLTspiceControlLibrary'.
- Copy 'LTspiceControlLibrarylibsymLTspiceControlLibrary' to '%LTSPICE_DIR%libsymLTspiceControlLibrary'.
Ltspice Digital Library
- Restart LTspice IV / XVII. The library should be now usable.
- Try examples in 'LTspiceControlLibraryexamples' to confirm installation and learn how to use this library.
Ltspice Library Path
- List of Control Elements
- LTspice Control Library is released under the MIT License